Wisconsin Board of Nursing
1400 East Washington Avenue, Room 112, Madison, WI 53703
Phones: 608.266.2112 or 877.617.1565
Hospital staff nurses are sometimes looking for different environments in which they can work and do what they love most, taking care of patients. Do you enjoy interacting with children and young adults? If so, you might want to consider becoming a school nurse.
Because the working environment of a school nurse is completely different than that of those working in hospitals, the nurse's role comes with its own unique responsibilities and challenges. The main goal of the school nurse is to support and promote student health and safety. As a school nurse you must coordinate a variety of school health programs, act as a leader, and attend to the health related needs of the entire school community. Each state has its own educational and training requirements when it comes to the school nurse specialty.
Having a bachelor's degree in nursing and successfully completing the School Nurse Certification are among the minimum requirements in most states. Because a school nurse works independently and acts as a child's advocate, she must possess strong skills in communication, critical thinking, and decision-making.
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