Alabama Board of Nursing
770 Washington Avenue, RSA Plaza, Suite 250, Montgomery, AL 36104
Phones: 334.293.5200 or 800.656.5318
Do you know about the unique specialty practice of nursing called legal nurse consulting? A legal nurse consultant is a registered nurse who is able to provide consultation on medically related court proceedings and legal cases.
It is not unusual for a legal nurse consultant to be paid an hourly wage of $125 to $150. Nurse consultants must use their education and clinical knowledge to assess if healthcare services have met a client's needs and desired outcomes. Legal nurse consultants are in demand because of their expertise in the nursing profession. You do not need a paralegal or law degree to work as a legal nurse consultant. Most nurses who work as legal consultants have a bachelor's degree in nursing and practice as independent consultants. Some are hired by law firms or insurance companies. While certification is not required for practice, it may help enhance your professional development and increase consulting opportunities in the medical-legal field.
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