Rhode Island Board of Nurse Registration and Nursing Education
105 Cannon Building, Three Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401.222.5700
What do you need to secure a job as a neonatal nurse? Today's neonatal nurses work in hospitals, in what is known as a level II or level III nursery. Each hospital has its own unique requirements when it comes to hiring neonatal nurses.
It is not uncommon for hospitals to require a minimum of one year of experience in pediatric, adult health, or medical surgical nursing. Having experience is not mandatory especially in those areas that do not have enough qualified nurses applying for neonatal nursing positions. Nursing experience is not the only important criteria for those interested in neonatal nursing. Healthcare facilities look at and evaluate a nurse's abilities to think critically, administer medication, perform math calculations, and use special equipment to care for neonates.
What is the salary of a neonatal nurse? Nurses specializing in neonatal care earn salaries similar to other nursing specialties. A registered nurse without work experience may expect to earn about $50,000 yearly. Hourly pay for neonatal nurses depends on years of experience and on having seniority at a certain facility. The cost of living in a given part of the country also influences yearly salary.
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