West Virginia State Board of Examiners for Licensed Practical Nurses
101 Dee Drive, Charleston, WV 25311
Phones: 304.558.3572 or 877.558.5767
West Virginia Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses
101 Dee Drive, Suite 102, Charleston, WV 25311
Phones: 304.558.3596 or 877.743.6877
Nurse educators are usually known by other professional titles, including Administrative Nurse Faculty, Clinical Nurse Educator, Staff Development Officer and Continuing Education Specialist. To become a nurse educator one needs at least a bachelor's degree in nursing.
Most colleges and universities require master's and doctoral degrees in nursing. A doctoral degree in nursing is usually required in order to advance, receive promotions to higher academic ranks such as those of associate professor and professor, and to be granted tenure. If you are considering a teaching career in nursing, there are many specialization areas to choose from, including the following popular choices: pediatrics, mental health, acute care, cardiology, family health, and oncology. The nurse educator's role is to teach courses that correspond with an area of clinical expertise.
Federal and private scholarships, grants, and student loan repayment programs are available for registered nurses looking to become educators. The Nurse Reinvestment Act includes a student loan repayment program for nurses who agree to teach after graduation. Other programs available through the National Health Service Corps and the Bureau of Health Professions are dedicated to financially help those who pursue graduate nursing degrees preparing them for faculty roles.
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