Idaho Board of Nursing
280 North 8th Street, Suite 210, Boise, ID 83720
Phones: 208.334.3110 or 208.577.2476
Nursing informatics is one of the relatively new and exciting fields of nursing which combines information technology, management systems, computer science, and nursing knowledge to improve the delivery and outcomes of healthcare.
The average salary of nurses working in the informatics field in 2011 was $98,702. The salaries of nurse informaticists have seen a sixteen percent increase since 2007, a clear indication of the demand for nurses in this field. Registered nurses who choose to specialize in nursing informatics work on the implementation and design of computerized clinical applications used everyday by healthcare professionals. Examples of these applications include nursing documentation systems, computerized physician's orders, and medical health records.
Nurse informaticists provide input and ideas on a program's design, with the goal of making clinical applications as efficient, useful, and user friendly as possible. According to a 2011 study conducted by the HIMMS Nursing Informatics Workforce Survey, nurse informaticists work mainly in hospitals and at corporate offices of healthcare systems.
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