Tennessee State Board of Nursing
665 Mainstream Drive, Nashville, TN 37243
Phones: 615.532.5166 or 800.778.4123
Today's registered nurses are able to specialize in many different areas depending on their preference, interests, and abilities. Attending to the medical needs of children and young adults in a school environment might be the right career fit for those who choose to become a school nurse.
Through education and training beyond that of a registered nurse, the school nurse may choose to specialize in one or more areas, including: students with special needs, early childhood, elementary or secondary age children, or students with high-risk behaviors. The salary of a school nurse depends on their educational and experience level, location, and size of the employer. Those with a few years of experience and a master's degree in nursing earn about $70,000 per contract period.
School nurses are employed for an average of nine months, from September through June. They enjoy an average work day of eight hours, and do not have to work during the summer. The National Board for Certification of School Nurses offers voluntary professional certification by examination. The certification route is often chosen by school nurses interested in promoting the highest standards of practice for their specialty.
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